

  • 12
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 四川省 成都 温江区 温江区海峡科技园盛华路77号
  • 姓名: 周先生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:机械 制冷设备 冷却塔
  • 发布日期:2015-06-02
  • 阅读量:250
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:四川成都温江区  
  • 关键词:


    自增压液氮罐 1. Self-pressurized Liquid Nitrogen Tank
    Self-pressurized liquid nitrogen tank produces pressure by evaporation of little liquid nitrogen so that liquid nitrogen will exhaust itself and complement other containers. It finds its application in the transportation and storage of liquid medium (liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen and liquid argon) and cold source of other refrigeration equipments. It is now widely used in tool and die industry, animal husbandry, medicine, semi-conductor, food, cryogenic chemical industry, aerospace, military and other industries and areas.
    生产材料:Production Materials:
    主体内外筒均采用**304奥氏体低温**不锈钢制作; 吸附剂通过*特和再生活化处理; 多层绝热材料为无油、无脂薄型进口复合材料。
    Inner and outer cylinders of the main body are made up of 304 austenite cryogenic special stainless steel of fine quality; absorbers are regenerated and activated; multi-layer insulation materials are oil-and-lipid-free thin imported composite. 
    生产工艺:Production Technology:
    所有焊缝全经氦质谱仪检漏合格;产品**经低温严格测试; *特**抽真空技术确保了较低的蒸发损失率; 选装机械或数显液位计;容器外部采用*特抛光技术,外表美观;整个生产过程严格按照IS9001:2008版标准进行生产。
    All weld joints are tested by helium mass spectrometer; ** of products have gone through strict cryogenic examination; unique patented vacuum-pumping technology ensures extremely evaporation loss rate; optional machine or digital display liquid level gauge; container shell makes use of unique polishing technology and has aesthetic modeling; the entire production process strictly follows IS9001:2008 standards.
    安全技术:Security Technology:
    A two-way multi-layer security system is installed to ensure safety for production use; layout of the safety valve, outlet valve, vent valve, and booster valve is reasonable for secure and convenient operation.
    规格型号:Specifications and Model:
    In addition, products of other specifications can be processed and customized on the basis of the special demand of user.
    2. 非标液氮容器2. Non-standard Liquid Nitrogen Container
    Our company is able to customize non-standard cryogenic container based on special demands of user.
    3. 气体采集瓶3. Gas Sampling Bottle
    Sampling bottle of stainless steel is made of stainless steel of fine quality and has a needle-shaped stainless steel bottle valve. It is corrosion-resistant, pressure-resistant, and leakage-free. It finds its wide application in sampling and preservation of gas or liquid samples in petrochemical industry, electronic semi-conductor, scientific research, environmental protection, etc. Before sampling, the sampling bottle must be dry and full of vacuum. Dry temperature is between 80℃ to 100℃, and the drying time is no less than 30 minutes. If sampling precision is high, the optional medium that fills the bottle can be used to substitute.
    规    格:工作压力WPa=4Mpa        容积V=0.35L、0.5L
    Specifications: working pressure WPa=4Mpa, volume V=0.35L, 0.5L
              工作压力WPa=10Mpa       容积V=0.15L、0.2L、0.35L、0. 5L、1L
    Working pressure WPa=10Mpa, volume V=0.15L, 0.2L, 0.35L, 0. 5L, 1L
              工作压力WPa=15Mpa       容积V=0.15L、0.2L、0.35L、0. 5L、1L、2L
    Working pressure WPa=15Mpa, volume V=0.15L, 0.2L, 0.35L, 0. 5L, 1L, 2L
              工作压力WPa=20Mpa       容积V=0.15L、0.2L、0.35L、0. 5L、1L、2L
    Working pressure WPa=20Mpa, volume V=0.15L, 0.2L, 0.35L, 0. 5L, 1L, 2L
     材      质:SS304;SS316(需定制)
    Material: SS304, SS316 (customized)
     阀      门:二端针型阀,材质SS304或SS316(需定制)
    Valve: two-end needle valve, material: SS304 or SS316 (customized)
    Export Thread: W21.8-14-RH-EXT; an optional stainless steel pressure gauge (customized) can be used for the bottle valve.
    操作指南:Operation Guide: 
    1, 瓶阀开关操作应均衡适当用力,不当操作会损坏阀门。
    1.	One should open or close the bottle valve with equal and proper strength; otherwise, valve will be damaged.
    2, 液态气体采样介质饱和蒸气压应小于采样瓶工作压力,充装量应根据充装系数确定。
    2.	Saturated vapor pressure of liquid gas sampling medium should be lower than working pressure of sampling gas. Filling quantity is determined by filling ratio. 
    3, 气态采样充装严禁**压。
    3. Overpressure is forbidden for gaseous sampling filling.

    欢迎来到成都盛杰低温设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是四川省成都温江区温江区海峡科技园盛华路77号,联系人是周先生。 主要经营液氮生物容器,自增压液氮罐,低温管道,冷冻胶管,海鲜冷冻库,。 单位注册资金未知。 我们公司主要供应液氮容器,低温设备,等产品,我们的产品货真价实,性能**,欢迎电话咨询!